Nittany Knits

Monday, July 23, 2007

Forgive my lack of blogging, I have been in a Harry Potter induced coma. Friday night was our trip to Chantilly, VA to see the latest movie in 3-D IMAX. From there we went to the midnight madness book launch, and I started reading around 1:00 am. Since I had to work all day Saturday, there was actual caffine involved in getting me through the work day. I know- me and caffine? It was necessary!

After work on Saturday, Large Marge convinced me to go out to a bar with her since her hubby and our kids had gone camping together for the weekend. She had finished the book. I took the book with me and proceeded to ignore anything and everything around me while I read and enjoyed my beer. She knit. Surprisingly enough, no one hit on us. Hummmmm.

Sunday brought an all day reading marathon so that I could turn my computer, TV, and radio back on, and start reading my newspaper again. I was hermetically sealed in, so that NO ONE could ruin the ending for me. Good thing I finished it, because it was the first thing I read in todays paper!

All this means that there is no knitting to report on. I think I'm going to ditch my current project and whip me up that Dark Mark Illusion scarf from Storm Moon! It's that or my long awaited third year scarf. Either way, I've got to get me Harry Potter knitting in.

Happy Knitting and Spinning!


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